Not only could you place factions where you want and choose teams in BfME2, you could choose a subset of the larger map to fight on. Even just unifying the south takes almost 100 turns. That’s really hard (time consuming) with such a huge map. If I start as the Greenskins, I won’t be satisfied until all nations are dead. It might not be lore friendly, but just have fun with it! Let us choose! Or even setup a mixed roster of Greenskins and Dwarfs vs the Empire and Vampire Counts. Setup up good vs evil right from the start. That way you can have forced allies right from the start. When you set up the custom map, allow us to choose which team you are on. Or you can choose to fight whomever you want. Then you can choose to keep it lore friendly. One called Historical and one called Custom. To make this even better, have two campaign options. Let us see a blank map, choose where each faction goes (or at least each main faction), and fight it out! Keep victory conditions similar to multiplayer matches where it’s based on empire size. Which is near impossible outside of custom matches because of numerous variables (or until late game). I love playing as the Empire in TW:W, and I really love beating up Greenskins. If you want to have your main enemy be a certain faction regardless of lore, you can do that. If you want to start Mordor in the middle of The Shire. In BfME2, when you start a “War of the Ring” (which is essentially the campaign in TW:W), you can start wherever you want. I would love this get added to the real game. There are mods for this but I read of issues with them. The only thing unique about TW:W’s fortresses are how the city and maybe the walls are laid out. They were worth fighting for and defending. Each was unique and had a huge presence on the campaign map. Then there was Minas Morgul, Fornost, Dol Guldur. From the deeping wall and tight causeway of Helms Deep, to the huge wall of Minas Tirith with many trebuchets. Each fortress in BfME2, was unique and had a unique quality to them. I loved being able to fight at unique fortresses. I really think this game is a lot better than BfME2, but there are some things I think BfME2 did better. It’s the main reason I got this game, because they are so similar in a lot of ways.

Battle for Middle Earth 2 is one of my favorite games of all time.