White knight chronicles 2 servers back up
White knight chronicles 2 servers back up

white knight chronicles 2 servers back up

What influenced the original White Knight Chronicles? White Knight Chronicles II will bring a satisfying conclusion to the conflict between Yshrenia and the other powers, and to the stories of Grazel, Leonard, and Princess Cisna. Scardigne belongs to the former, but you’ll need to play the actual game to fully understand the role he takes in the story. There is civil unrest in the Archduchy of Faria, with one faction trying to protect Miu and another militant faction trying to spark a revolution. Two new characters will also play key parts in the story: Miu, the daughter of Archduke Dalam and the mysterious Scardigne. A year after the return of the Yshrenian Empire, Leonard and his companions come back together to protect the Kingdom of Balandor, the Archduchy of Faria and the Free City of Greede from the Yshrenian Empire, and end up having to save the entire world.

white knight chronicles 2 servers back up

The game takes place one year after the events of the original White Knight Chronicles.

white knight chronicles 2 servers back up

Tell us about the story in White Knight Chronicles II As the release of White Knight Chronicles II, exclusively on PS3, draws closer, we got in touch with the game’s director Yoshiaki Kusuda to talk about the story behind WKC II and the future of the series.

White knight chronicles 2 servers back up